
I want to runaway!! Can I runaway from these things that I feel inside?? Can I even begin to understand what is this that I keep locked deep inside of me? I wheep, I laugh, I run, I hide, I do a lot of things I shouldn't do, I think about these feelings over and over again, I can even see her hiding in the back of my mind... Looking through my car's window so I can't read in her eyes what she's feeling, I can even remember exactly the way she looks at me when we are in a bar among friends, that feeling thar we're not alone, that whatever everybody says i'll be here for her as she's there for me... My friend... I can feel her breath in my face just now, , feel her presence next to me. I want reach out and touch her, but she just vanishes at my fingertips... She's not here, she's only in my mind.. just like an oasis to a dieing man. She touches the core of my being without even being next to me. Ela é como a visão fustigante de qualquer amor ardente por conta de alguém que foge de mim. Eu sou apenas uma peça do gigantesco puzzle que nos acorrenta ao coração, abandonando a razão pelo caminho a fim de alcançar qualquer tipo de elevação espiritual, qualquer forma de nos sentirmo completos e sermos desarmados ao nos entregarmos nos braços de alguém. Eu anseio ser assolado por essa sensação, esse sentimento... Como posso estar eu assim?? Please... Enloghten me!!
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